Paint your HE-ART


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I love painting, although there is nothing new that I’ve painted in a while close to 2 years.  This piece is called Endless Journey and I know this is just too weird but the darker shape in the centre looks to me like the “horse” shaped old country I came from formerly known as Czechoslovakia.  The country no longer exists because it was split into two separate countries Slovakia and Czech Republics.  I know my subconscious mind incorporated parts of my existence, experiences and my limitless continuous journey into this painting.
World of Dreams over to the right was done about a month after Endless Journey. At the time I was swamped with all kinds of ideas and I couldn’t paint fast enough my visions & conceptual abstract thoughts.

For me painting feels so free.  It happens at the most unexpected times and I just pick up a brush and go for it, usually starting a stroke onto the canvas that freaks me right out my skin when I do this.   Canvas isn’t cheap so I take the chance with the initial stroke and then it seems I’ve broken the ice or surface tensions by my initial blob of paint and everything else follows so freely and smoothly.
Never Alone was done with many thoughts in mind.  It began with a red spot near the middle of my canvas.  I knew what I wanted to paint was RED as it is my desired choice of colour to depart onto canvas, I just didn’t have a vision at the time.  It turned out to be one of the most favoured pieces on RedBubble online gallery and community with many features including the home page feature.
I have also submitted the copy of this piece to our local Armoury on Remembrance Day in November 11, 2009 while I attended the event to honour our soldiers.  I was later sent a thank you card and informed that the piece hangs in their mess-hall where it has the chance to be admired.
With experiments and determination great things are born.  Who knew I could do realism as well.  It took patience and the process was slow but it has taught me that I can do anything I set my mind into.  Lion Cub was painted from an original photograph I took at our local zoo when I volunteered for my daughters school trip.  I followed the details closely and he was born.
I’ve had many people offer me instant cash for this piece and I’ve turned them down each time.  I think this piece represents the fact I can do realism but also that I am strong & unafraid to pursue and follow anything I desire, just like the lion.
Tulip Tango was a piece I have done around the time I painted the few pieces above.  I was experimenting with water colours at the time as I found many amazing water colour artists behind my inspiration at the time.  Needless to say, I`ve taken the chance and entered it into a local art show and it won 4th place so it cannot be as bad as I thought originally.
Artists are the worst self-critics.  In a way we are perfectionists as what we envision has to fit with that we are placing onto the canvas or paper.
While all pieces above were painted at the beginning of the year 2009 the next one over to the right was done near the end of the year.
Roots of Gaia was a commission piece requested to follow a certain colour palette and the request was no red.  I found this not only challenging because I think I`ve had read in almost every single of my pieces, it is a colour that represents life for me and it is urgently required by my mind & vision to be included.
However, to my surprise I have discovered that red does not have to represent such “life” for me because green can have the same affect.  As I painted this piece & flowed with my vision departing each stroke onto the canvas, I didn’t know what the final result would become.  I followed a gut feeling, an urge to twist my brush, add a little white here, black there and then about half way through I saw the vision my mind’s eye saw.  Gaia was born.  The goddess of creation, the earthly mother of the source we are all connected to.
Initially I was nervous as heck to give the final piece to the client as I hoped it would be eye appealing and welcomed.  It was nothing short of just that.  If anything it gave me more confidence in my artistic abilities & to never give up on my passions.
With a little rest now for over 2 years I think my itch to pick up the brushes is nearly peeked to the surface and I cannot wait what my heart departs next onto the blank canvas.
Thank you so much for stopping by and have a wonderful Thursday.

One Day to Live – making every second count.


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Does anyone believe in second chances any more?

Did you ever ask yourself what you would do if you had only one day left of living?

I think about that all the time. I think society is so busy focusing on the actual daily routines that we don’t often stop & think how we act, live, if we aspire or inspire. Are we just co-existing amongst mankind and consuming oxygen?

Today, I lived with just that powerful thought in my mind. I didn’t do anything extra ordinary like going sky diving or spent a whole whack of money foolishly on lavish things, but truthfully my heart was filled with sadness. I felt the weight of the world upon my shoulders, just as I felt the weight of one simple unresolved issue with someone who once had a special meaning to me.

Before I go any further, you should know that I simply have zero enemies. I may have people in my life who don’t understand me or entirely know me and made decisions not to have me in their life. That is something I cannot change. I’ve had lovers and boyfriends who will always be part of my heart & even they don’t have any anger from me, only good wishes. With that said, I still feel unsatisfied with some issues that pangs my heart into the abyss of darkness where only light wants to shine.

I’d like to think that every single person on this planet has the chance to alter their life every second they experience life. Just as the planet rotates, with each passing sunset a new day awakes us with brand new opened eyes. The world is so tiny when you take a look at the cosmos and how precious and small we all are. I would love nothing more then for people to just get along, find that inner peace within and pursue their passions in a courteous way without the bicker and back stabs. I really honestly wish that.

I grasp the concept of “Once bitten, twice shy” or “Fool me once shame on you & fool me twice shame on me” but I don’t wish to exercise it. Why is that? Perhaps I truly wholeheartedly believe that life is what we make it and chances exist with each passing second. We are the ones in control of our destiny & only we can undo the done as well as do the unknown.

This may indeed be my day of revelation and tomorrow I may awake to some harsh and bitter rude awakening or sad news, but here I am taking a chance at something simply only my heart can sense with the tiniest speck of dust in a message to give to the world. Love each other more.

If you think about that for just a second, it is not that hard to imagine. A peaceful loving world that my soul feels, wants and desires. For you, for me and for the future of our kids. Love is so beautiful and powerful.

I’ve decoded the message of life. With my number sequence of 5261492 revealed to me few years ago, I’ve deciphered the code. I was given a message that only I could comprehend and decode and it is my duty to write about what I am learning & perceiving. I am a messenger.

Life slips away so quickly with such frailty and before we know another day is here, only to slide too with the rush of daily jobs & traffic, errands or whatever it may be. We are like little worker ants so focused on ourselves and our individuality, our tiny lives doing whatever the wind blows our way, where out there in the real world togetherness is what we all lack.

Perhaps the joy that one feels from the living is the excitement and unexpected surprises along the days. The spontaneity along with unforeseen life’s unfolding is what makes us all go round. To see the joy in the faces of those who tug on our heartstrings, the music that embraces and uplifts us, the constant tears that flow from the same pain, lived with different directions.

What if today was your last day?

I think about the 2012 Phenomenon all the time, where the end of civilization as we know it is suppose to come to an end and a possible new era will begin. Many believe this is in fact the end of the world.

However, as a believer in the higher dimensional power I cannot imagine the being some of us call “God” can be so destructive only to destroy all the beauty and wonder once upon a time created. Whoever we are, I believe we are all entitled to enjoy fully the goodness along with hardships in hopes that those hardest and toughest moments alter and expand our pea size minds and lead us towards the rainbow of graciousness, kindness and abundance we all seek.

I believe in the goodness of mankind and the gentle heart we are all capable of. The power of healing is higher then us and that we are all very capable of moving forward with lessons learned only to alter our higher consciousness, constantly altering our futures just as the energy is constant.

I will never stop believing that with LOVE, confidence, faith and belief – all things are possible.

I find it unsettling when NASA has a page on the end of the world explaining in their own way the “Beginning of the End” and answering common questions. Here I am questioning what people would do if we had only one day to live, where my future seems so uncertain, in the hands of a greater power then I can fathom.

“Dear God, won’t you give these humans another chance?”

It makes me ill to think that my children I gave birth to in hopes they become amazing contributing humans in this civilization could cease to exist with just one big bang.  The truth is, it could happen any time.

Tonight could be the last night I close my eyes and never to awake, but if that shall be my destiny – I just want everyone to know that I loved & cared my deepest, hardest and with all my might. I hope I left footprints in each of your hearts.

I believe in second chances and I shall believe them that much more in my afterlife.

Today, right now, this very second you have a gift of life, embrace the ones you love, give thanks and praise and make a difference in your life. It’s never too late.

May the heavens shine upon you with the grace of infinite love.

Big Hugs,

A Love Letter


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This year as my husband and I laid there quietly on the brink of sunrise, he quietly asked me what I would like for my birthday. I paused for a moment and without hesitation asked for one thing.  A love letter.

His quick sigh somehow confirmed how difficult this would be on his behalf since he’s a man of few words & we haven’t had to exchange in written form anything since our hand written wedding wows.  It is true to every single ounce of his actions that actions do speak louder then words, especially where this man is concerned.  He’s in every way amazing.

We have a one of a kind soulful love and a beautiful relationship.  I fell in love with him the first time we met. He is genuine and kind and everything I stand for what a husband and father should be.  I am so blessed.

He is a humble righteous man who stands for all good of mankind and our souls & passions parallel towards common lifelong goals.

I shall be so lucky to have him by my side as I inhale my last breath.

It is true what they say that behind every great man stand a great woman, however I find this is mutual.  He’s my rock, along with our beautiful children I cannot imagine another life other then the one I have with him.  Yes “I do blame him for everything” and that’s somehow understood between us in a quirky way, however at the end of the day he’s the one I await to return home safe into my arms, share a meal with, snuggle up to at night and say goodbye to every morning, only to repeat.

We have a good life together.  Through the beautiful times and even struggles & hardships at the end of it all we have our cosmic immense love that carries us through life & all we have is our loyal word to each other.   As he said “In love it is love that loves through us and we must push aside all of the useless background noise created by untrue spirit and righteousness.”  

Now, I did laugh at first as the upper part of his letter to me felt more like an instruction manual from his heart to mine, with details of his passion for me as this man who’s clearly a technical, intellectual and beautiful mind perceives to cover all angles so eloquently and he does it so precisely.  Although, it is a private letter I will hold dear I’m only sharing a tiny passage above & a famous poem below.

There is this amazing centre part of the letter that brought tears to my eyes how beautifully it was written, strongly yet delicately with understanding of our love, passion and loyalty to each other.  He knows me more then I thought. He is incredible.  “As I did gave him my hand to hold and my heart to keep, so help me God.”  I didn’t know how truly remarkable our connection would develop and how deeply our love would grow.

As I read and re-read his deciphered words, my eyes filled and refilled with tears as each word pulled at my heartstrings as I realize his message to me in a human written form couldn’t possibly even begin to tap on the feelings of the heart & soul.  Then, I realised how could I have asked him for such a difficult task when I have never written one for him.  I will treasure it forever.

One of my favourite ending of the letter was this famous poem & somehow I understand it even more:

How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of every day’s
most quiet need, by sun and candle-light.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love thee with the passion put to use
In my old grief’s, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints,—I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life!—and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
by – Elizabeth Barrett Browning –

My message to you folks, love each other. The lifeline is shorter then we think and the beauty exists in all those things untouchable and unseen while the wonder with excitement remains in the words unspoken.


Act of Kindness – Pay it Forward


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I was always taught to perform an act of kindness every day.  Whatever it may be a huge one or the smallest act, it’s all significant.  At the same time, I find that the people who appear least deserving of your kindness are the ones you should indeed perform your good deed to.

A single act of kindness throws out roots in all direction,
and the roots spring up and make new trees.
The greatest work that kindness does to others,
is that it makes them kind themselves.
– Amelia Earhart –

When I was a little girl & we took street carts to the city and it was jammed pack with people while my grandma told me to sit, who was clearly older then me while she stood I knew deep down the rules she taught me.  As soon as an elderly lady or man entered the cart I would stand up and offer up my seat.  It’s just how I was brought up and it cannot be changed now, it’s part of who I am.

In my teens I was at our local down town market square with few friends while a lady walked out of the restroom with a wad of toilet paper dragging by her shoe and while my friends chuckled I quickly ran up to her and told her to save her unpleasant embarrassment.  I was nudged and poked why I told but I could care less what my friends thought of me.

About 5 years ago I was driving through Tim Horton’s.   I decided to pay for the vehicle behind me their purchase and with my luck it was only two cups of coffee.  I paid for it and drove away while the lady at the window gave me a huge sincere smile.  No thank you was needed from the recipient unknowing behind me and it left me feeling absolutely amazing.  These are just few of the countless times for me for some reason reflected today.

It doesn’t matter how the pay it forward is returned to you or if ever is.  I just love doing these kinds of things and it always feels pretty amazing.  There are no words to describe the feeling.  About a year ago, it happened to me.  Someone actually bought me my coffee while in the drive through line and I immediately thought about my action few years prior.  All I could do was smile all the way home.

The truth is, kind things have always happened to me.  Now that I am older, I reflect on them and it’s amazing how beautiful the circle of return is.

What about an act of kindness towards a human who perhaps doesn’t like you and when you help them, they don’t even know about it?  I’ve done it multiple times too. There is something so appealing to help a person who would least expect it from you.

It doesn’t matter if the people know or don’t know about your help and I rather they did not.   If you can help anyone it’s all the same as is the inner reward.

Help is universal and speaks all languages.  People can be so uptight and hung up on so many issues in life, they so easily forget the simple human nature of some things that cannot be explained.

The way I look at it, you either get it or you don’t.

It is not how much you do,
but how much love you put
into the doing that matters.
– Mother Theresa –





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LIFE is simple – it is people who complicate it”
Life’s but a walking shadow,
A poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage.

And then is heard no more: It is a tale told by an idiot, 

Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.
~ William Shakespeare ~
Macbeth, 5. 5
Have a wonderful weekend,

Nikon moment stolen by a Canon – Happy Birthday


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While I celebrate the day my mom gave me life and brought me into this world, it has indeed became a day now that I’m older a day for me to do just that.  Sometimes we shift things around a little & have to do it a day before and yet it still feels just same.

Amazing how we ‘grow’ up and priorities change.  It isn’t about gifts at all it is simply being able to have the privilege to be with the ones we love, while they are with us.  For me, on my birthdays, I celebrate my mom & her life too because if it wasn’t for her, my life wouldn’t be.

Being just a kid always resonates in the soul and even though I’m not a little girl anymore, my mom made me feel in absolute amazement today and so happy.  My eyes filled with tears.

This Nikon moment has been stolen by this amazing Canon and I didn’t mind at all.
Her GIFT to me that I will never forget and – yes – it’s a cake.

Incredible and amazing. She poured 15 hours of labour love into this baby. I’m the luckiest lady on the planet to have a mom like mine and she shows me every time she gets the chance. I will never forget the joy in her face as I opened it. For both, I’m sure it was priceless picture moment.

I think the universe is trying to tell me that this year will be pretty amazing.

I love you so much mom. Thank you for my incredible life.


Crazy Life – So Perfect


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Yes.  Beautiful. Twisted. Sad. Happy. Seen. Heard. Tasted. Felt. Written. All together – perfectly crazy.

There is something soothing after a huge ripple in my week.  Well, one that felt like a flipping title wave no kidding, no matter how heated it got, no matter how mad or sad I became at a situation nor how much I’ve cried, my week ends on the same note but the feeling somehow uplifted.  Thank gawd!

After numerous quick conversations today my heart began feeling lighter after the crazy morning & week.  Revealing something so personal & sharing with another female today summarizing my few past years left me so empowered and filled with decisions I simply must do.  Do not neglect yourself.  You come first!

We question how normal we are and others too how they act, if this or that is normal – but we are all human.    Let’s face it.  My normal, is totally not your normal, and your normal could be the best or totally blah.

Decisions we make have to be the best ones for us & we can’t always look at others and how it affects them.  In the end, we do what is right for us & we have to.  Considering all respectable levels of discipline and conduct.  Sometimes people make decisions for us and even if we don’t know it or question it – why, don’t understand it, it remains to be a leap of faith that the path is ours and we have to walk it.  Alone.  Even if a decision was made for you & forced you to alter a path, it is really not that bad.  That’s life.  I believe the good Lord knows best and leave it up to fate.

The clinical definition of ultimate high/lows is bi-polar perhaps when the norm takes a turn and twist into the dips of abnormal highs and lows & uncontrollable rage surfaces from that and I’ve seen a share in my life from people that I have no control over if they are or are not in my life.  Knowing who you are and how you handle yourself is all you can rely on at the end of the day.  People aren’t crazy.  Life is.  Even if the people in it appear crazy or totally uncontrollable & spiteful, it’s the life.

Today, finally I’ve come to terms with few issues that have felt like a giant elephant sitting on my chest & had to deal with, where people in my life are concerned.  Family, friends it’s all the same.  I feel so much lighter.

Their shit, is their shit.  There is no sugar coating it.  My shit is mine and why mix it up.  That would be pretty shitty!  I know what’s best for me and that’s all that matters.

Seeking inner peace is what does it for me, sharing, talking with someone who can perhaps understand your situation and empathize.  Then there is the nature.  LOVE the nature and connecting to it.  It revives me.

There are also my friends.  God bless ya!!  Those of course entitled to that crown.  There are some very good listeners out there among my friends.  Thank you for being what a friend is suppose to be and believing in me.

Crazy as it is and sounds…… life is perfect because of imperfections.  Period!  It would be boring otherwise.   I accept that much.  I’ll take my crazy, roller-coaster, insane, spontaneous life over a boring life any day.  With all that is thrown at me.  I never say NO!

Thank goodness I can see it, heart it, taste it, smell it and feel it.  I must be crazy!  Are you?



Little Treasures – A Moment in Time


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One of my absolute favourite things received to date has to be what my mom gave me only few days before Christmas this year. It was one of those special sunny yet busy days for me getting prepped for the holidays as we ran into each other at a local market.  She said she bought me something and couldn’t wait to give it to me.  We checked out and paid for our goodies in the baskets and met out in the parking lot for a secretly shared ciggie (my bad) but what happened afterwards will remain with me forever.  A moment in time.

When I opened up the package & saw the ornament I felt so absolutely loved, cared for, appreciated and simply treasured.  In that one split moment I felt like a child again, giddy, in a state of awe how cute it was & then the moment happened.  I felt those words. I felt them from her heart just as she was so excited to give it to me, I felt the absolute power behind the message she was trying to tell me.

I don’t know if I could fully describe what I actually felt because it’s nearly impossible to put it into words.  I get teary eyed just thinking about it.  My mom has always told me she loved me, her touch and gentle hugs are filled with love and care.  It’s due to getting older that we forget that we were little too once and a mother’s precious child.  A blessing.  When I think about my mom and her getting older I get all emotional.  I have friends who have already lost one parent or both and one of them is my hubby and I’ve lived it.

There are days I often reflect on my memories with my mom and I know this one so far has topped them all.   Just as I know she won’t be around forever, she has given me perhaps the nicest gift.  A precious memory to hold onto when the gentle wind sweeps her ashes and to twinkling dust particles she delights.

I think what I loved about the entire exchange was the words inscribed and the meaning behind those beautiful words.  This is the simplest little treasure but the message and everything I took from this was the most invaluable for me.  So meaningful, so very powerful.  I love my mom so very much & have always respected her maybe more then she knows.

We’ve had our share of fights but the bond between us is one of a kind.  I’m so glad we found a way to communicate, express, trust & be ourselves with especially now that I’m older and a mother myself.

This year, she gave me the best gift she ever did (and there are 38 years filled with awesome gifts) and it wasn’t even Christmas yet.  I don’t even think she knows how much it means to me. The ornament, the memory and most importantly the words that did not need to be spoken.  It holds a key message for me to see, hold and feel when I need to feel reassurance that I am indeed someone very special to another human being and most of all a mother who gave me life.  There is only one person who has carried you and nurtured you under her heart, in the womb and counted all your fingers and toes on the day you were born. A mom.

It is my absolute dearest little treasure that is not going away into the boxes of ornaments.  No way!  It will be hung in my office/studio and I will admire it as I gain strength and encouragement from it with twice the power.  Thank you for loving me.

I love you mom with my whole heart.

Your one and only,  Me

A little PRESENT


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Today’s miracle…. an opportunity to rejoice and marvel in the glory of new day.

“Perhaps this is why it is called PRESENT.   A little gift from God to live another day.”

Sunrises.  I love them.  A rebirth of a new day and new adventures.  For me, I always thought that I live each day to the fullest.  I am convinced of it.  However the truth is I’m far from the high standard I set for myself.  I worry so much about yesterday and things done, said & also about tomorrows.  I realized this over again & it’s silly but the movie 50 First Dates reconfirmed it for me after watching it.

The concept of loosing short term memory would be so devastating.  Or would it be?

I think that if everyone lived every day as if it was the only day with opportunity to live & to remember only that day not worrying so much of what happened yesterday or what will happen tomorrow, I think we would all live a little differently and with a little more heart & soul.

Living with the wonder of today’s miracle is what it’s about.  Feeling alive from within, absorbing each magnificent second whatever the feeling transcribes.  Today is the only day, like today.  There will never be another.

I love life.  Paying more attention to living high with the opportunity of making every day count and forgetting yesterday’s woes.  Today is simply glorious.

Happy new day,


We are of Light…..


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We are of light……

2 Corinthians 4:16-18

16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
